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What is a Server Rack?

In this day and age of “Big Data” and “IOT” (Internet of things) there is increasing demand for processing and computing.

This has also had an impact on the geographical distribution of where IT systems are housed.

There is a need for IT infrastructure that is not just economical but also secure, flexible and reliable.

Here at ALLRACK when we design server racks our engineers must consider products that provide protection and secure access to your critical IT infrastructure.

At the same time, it is essential to provide for system growth and expansion, as well as being cost effective.

What are Server Racks AKA Server Rack Cabinet, Data Rack, Comms Rack and Comms Cabinet etc

Above we briefly discuss IT Infrastructure, a server rack in essence houses this. Also called Comms Cabinet, Data Cabinet, Data Rack, Comms Rack and many other regional variations in the way we refer to our cabinets. Server Racks  are mainly found in the larger Data Centres. However, they are also used in smaller networks.

Server racks are standard 19”, which means the distance between the mounting profiles is 19 inches. We do also offer the SOHO range which is a 10” rack for small home projects.

The equipment mounted or fixed inside a rack is known as “rack mountable products” these in their nature are 19” in width to ensure they are fixed easily inside a rack. They are fixed to the rack by means of Cage Nuts .

Though the product mounting width is 19” as standard inside the cabinets (also known as LAN racks or Network Racks) the depth can vary depending on the equipment that is to Be fixed inside. All-Rack a supply depth of 600mm, 800mm and 1000mm standard Servers

Benefits of Network Cabinets of Server Racks

Such server racks allow dense hardware configurations without taking up a lot of floor space. The hardware is basically “stacked” inside a server cabinet. Depending on the amount of equipment would dictate the height of rack that will be required. Heights of racks are measured in “U” sizes (1U = 4.45cm), we talk about this in detail below

Optimize the structure of a server system

For large server rooms or Data centres many racks can be installed side by side in rows and many rows for isles between them. The isles can then be contained and secured thus providing only access to authorised personnel. This is also known as ISLE CONTAINMENT. This is a whole new topic which we discuss in a separate discussion.

Cable Management

All-Rack cabinets are designed to provide cable system management easier and more efficiently. There are cable entry points on the top and the base of all server racks. So, whether your rack is a single standalone or as part of many racks in a larger server room or data centre cabling coming into the rack will be a doddle.

Dealing with heat generated inside the server cabinet

A full cabinet with a lot of equipment will generate heat. As a server cabinet is often an enclosed space the heat must be dealt with in an efficient manner to ensure everything inside the Rack cabinet works to its optimum capacity. All-Rack offer many cooling Fan options. The design of the AllRack network cabinet will be optimized so that the airflow can be easily circulated from the inside out and vice versa, and can also be equipped with a cooling system, mainly a cooling fan, and other cooling devices as needed depending on actual requirements.

Cabinet Security

As you have the “Heart” of your organisation enclosed within the rack, you need to ensure that it and the equipment inside is safe from prying hands and/or eyes. The All-Rack server cabinets are made from steel and are available with various methods to secure them. As standard they are fitted with a lock, they key for which is to be kept in a safe place.

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